WriteGroove Solutions provides custom editorial, content development and strategy services
that help companies expand their influence, attract customers and drive sales. 

Web Content Development
Your website is the place to establish a strong, professional online presence. Our web content services focus on creating content that is clear, relevant and supports your business objectives. More...

Content Marketing
Our content marketing solutions position your company and brand as an authority, helping you attract followers and drive loyalty. Deliver value, build trust, and eventually your followers become customers. More...

Sales & Marketing Writing
We create a range of targeted, persuasive content that highlights your key features and benefits. Compelling language plus a strong call-to-action help you maximize new business opportunities. More...

On the WriteGroove Blog


Everyone, it seems, has some funny story about struggling to communicate with a call center or tech support specialist based in India. Joking aside, however, the "eccentricities" of English as it's commonly written and spoken in India can impede business growth and result in missed opportunities for Indian businesses competing in a global marketplace.

A recent report drew attention to glaring typos and other grammatical errors in a piece of Indian legislation titled, The Karnataka Prevention of Dangerous Activities of Bootleggers, Drug-offenders, Gamblers, Goondas, Immoral traffic offenders, Slum-grabbers and Video or Audio pirates (Amendment) Bill 2014. But it was the content of the bill and not its unwieldy title which grabbed the headlines – for all the wrong reasons.